
Where have the last 2 years gone?!?

Today is Jonah's 2nd birthday and that amazes me. It's gone by so fast and it's so hard to believe how grown up he is. Most people say that they have the cutest, coolest, smartest kid and they believe it even though it's obviously only true with one kid. and that kid is Jonah. Here are some reasons why i love Jonah more than you can imagine and the reasons that make him more cool than even most adults. : )
1/ He watches whatever on TV. I mean whatever. He rarely complains if we watch a show that's not a cartoon, he will sit with us and at least pretend to enjoy it.
2/ He thinks farts are hilarious.
3/ He has slept through the night ever since he was 4 weeks old.
4/ He knows a good amount of brand new and bright eyes and sings and dances to them.
5/ He screams adam's screamo music...
6/ He calls me Ashley.
7/ He calls Jason douche and Toby is known as hobo.
8/ He loves cheese. so much that sometimes he won't stop yelling cheese.
9/ he had surgery at 3months and wore casts on and off for a while so he's tough!
10/ Right now he's wearing undies over his onesie and he doesn't care one bit.
11/ He always throws his trash away.
12/ He loves takng pictures and sometimes he gets some decent ones.
13/ He plays rock band.
14/ He is crazy cute!
15/ He has amazing friends and family and we make him that much cooler. : )
Happy Birthday Jonah!!!