
raisins, futons, and poopy fingers

my son's gone crazy! the past several weeks he has been buttering me up and now it's all crashing down in my face. i've always been the mom who doesn't spoil her son and doesn't let him eat a cookie right after time out, but for 3 weeks before yesterday, that was me. before then jonah wasn't doing the worst things i had ever seen kids do, just a little rebellious and cute. (he liked to give us kisses when we were mad! how can you stay mad?) well this week, especially the last 2 days, he's driving me nuts. i almost cried because i had to change 2 poopy diapers at the exact same time yesterday, one of those had poo on their fingers and another that wasn't poopy had it on him...i teach them to share mmk. while i was cleaning up one's hands jonah was dumping my purse everywhere and made a huge mess. when i was cleaning that up, two of them helped each other dump my basket with my important papers and notebooks that i recently had so perfectly organized. so i sit my purse down and hurry to get the post it notes out of their mouths and jonah dumps my purse again. jonah got time out upstairs while the other two fought over who got to stand in front of the door. i break that up still not done with the mess, jonah's screaming upstairs, (only for about 2 mins, after that he started playing with the mat in the pack and play. awesome time out.) kitty is hyper and runs across our mantle thing, knocks down a tea light candle i had to sit there after prying it from jonah's chubby little hands earlier that day, and another 2 year old picks it up and takes a bite out of it. after this it's a blur. adam got home and he's always a help. i felt like i wasn't cut out for sitting or being a mom. jonah is 1 and a half now and i know that's close to the terrible twos but i got too laid back with him. i should have never fed him that raisin while he was in time out. i shouldn't have let him eat his lunch on the kitchen table that day or stand on the printer and get crumbs down in it. well i guess i didn't let him do that one. i got depressed today because we moved our recliner to the basement due to the fact that he cannot get jonah to stop eating the fuzz out of the hole in it. so we brought up this very nice futon that a family member gave us which is good because i have been wanting to use it but it doesn't match my room at all and that's one thing i can say i do ok, decorate or at least make it look decent with very little money. but who can do that when my candle holder turned into a raisin holder and my lamp just something fun to shake around? now my room looks awkward but at least its more convenient with kids and i guess that's ok. : ) i really do like kids. i'm just now realizing why my mom always said you can have all that once your kids are grown and moved out. i'm ranting when i really need to do some dishes. kbye.

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