
cussin', video game playin', makeup wearin' babies

I'm not sure how my son knows the things he does but he's super smart! I've been shocked everyday by the things this kid points to when i ask, the way he does what i tell him, and frankly just because he's the cutest kid ever! We took him to the driving range, he knew exactly what to do. He knew what ducks were at young's even though they look nothing like the ducks he has as stuffed animals (which he has TONS of. he loves ducks and everywhere we go, he will find one, point and say ducky, ducky!) the other day he tried to put mascara on his eyes and lip gloss on his mouth. he knows how to operate our VCR and TV. He knows how to use our Xbox and how to move on video games. I mean this kid is watching EVERYTHING! time to not leave my bras and panties out I guess and not use even the slightest foul language since the other day it sounded like a**hole came out! I'm going to blame that one on the hubby!


God's time = perfection

so you all are aware, I have started a new blog (agarvinphotography.blogspot.com) for my photography and all that good stuff. Since now I have a few prospects about selling and getting this thing started I figured it would be a good idea to have a more professional blog site. I will still be posting some pictures on here but you should also check out my other blog for pictures and such!
Since Adam's struggles with finding work and our money draining quickly God has really provided for us. Last year there was a mistake with our taxes and it has taken us forever to get the rest of our refund for 2007 (the lady took like 9 months to do it). This has been frustrating but now that we will be receiving that in about 2 weeks, it will be just in time! God's time is wonderful and perfect. Be patient and remember He WILL take care of you. : )

Here are some pictures, have a wonderful day.


Happy Birthday Cutie!

Today is the Hubby's 22nd Birthday! We spent yesterday at the zoo (we go every year for his birthday since our first date was the zoo on his birthday, plus we just love it!) this year we got to take Jonah who loved it more than we expected and overall we just had a good day. Tonight it's olive garden for us and a nice evening relaxing.

About 2 months a go I wrote him 100 things that I loved about him as a husband, dad, and just as a person. Now I'm going to share some of those with my readers so that you know just how wonderful of a person I get the pleasure of being married to!
8. He has the coolest T shirts!
13. how much he loves jonah
17. How mch he knows about animals
22. How hard he tries to make us work
24 how good he is at guitar hero
27. how he always kisses me goodnight. always.
29. he is an amazing singer
40. how we make fun of billy mays together
48. how he likes beer but won't drink a lot/get drunk
55. he loves to see me smile and tries to see it all the time
62 how he will not wear green on st. patricks day
68. how much he accepts himself just the way he is
77. him playing guitar and singing makes me melt
88. very generous
99. his love for food
100. You are my other half. No one could complete me the way you do!
Love you babe!


Ashley Garvin, Photographer

I'm going back to school! I'm starting online classes June 22nd for my gen eds then moving on to hopefully get my photography cert. I really feel like a career as a photographer would allow me to be a mom and a wife first and that's what I really want. Photography has always been a passion of mine so after a lot of praying I'm going to do it! Now if only some rich stranger would provide me the cash to buy me the camera I need to really get going!

your smile...it's the most genuine thing


Happy {late} mother's day!

Happy [you have changed at least 1,000 dirty diapers, questioned what that sticky stuff is in your hair too many times to remember, forgot to take a shower before, ran out of the house in your pjs and never once thought of what someone else thought, picked boogers and wiped them not even thinking, ran up and down the sidewalk after your kid with no bra, no makeup on, thought , "oh, that's what my mom meant", wondered whether or not you should seek help for singing the wiggle's songs and dancing while doing the dishes, but most importantly, seeing first smile and will never forget it, can't wait to see them again when you actually do get a sitter, just sit and watch them play and imagine what's going through their sinkin heads, get more excited than anything when you save up that extra money and buy them something really neat, being able to pick them up after falls and kiss their tears away, taking 1,836,476 pictures within the first year and to you everyone is different, smelling your baby after bathtime, being so proud of the firsts (kicking a ball, talking, walking), that first little bit in the morning when they are so happy to see you, and my favorite of all..knowing that the amount that i love my son (which is a crazy huge amount!), God loves me 8923426539485 times that!] Day!!