
Happy {late} mother's day!

Happy [you have changed at least 1,000 dirty diapers, questioned what that sticky stuff is in your hair too many times to remember, forgot to take a shower before, ran out of the house in your pjs and never once thought of what someone else thought, picked boogers and wiped them not even thinking, ran up and down the sidewalk after your kid with no bra, no makeup on, thought , "oh, that's what my mom meant", wondered whether or not you should seek help for singing the wiggle's songs and dancing while doing the dishes, but most importantly, seeing first smile and will never forget it, can't wait to see them again when you actually do get a sitter, just sit and watch them play and imagine what's going through their sinkin heads, get more excited than anything when you save up that extra money and buy them something really neat, being able to pick them up after falls and kiss their tears away, taking 1,836,476 pictures within the first year and to you everyone is different, smelling your baby after bathtime, being so proud of the firsts (kicking a ball, talking, walking), that first little bit in the morning when they are so happy to see you, and my favorite of all..knowing that the amount that i love my son (which is a crazy huge amount!), God loves me 8923426539485 times that!] Day!!

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