
bad things come in 3's.

that's what my mom always told me. as i grew up, this made me terrified when one bad thing happened because i was scared about what other things would go wrong. praise God that He is in control and His will is done not this old wives tale. but i will say that in the last two days, 3 bad things happened.
1. i had my 4 wisdom teeth pulled yesterday morning. in the end it will be a good thing but for now...it sucks. yesterday i was much better than today which is the opposite of what they told me (that the 1st and 3rd day are the worst) i woke up this morning, after barely sleeping because after 3 am the pain was terrible and i kept bleeding on my pillow, to find out that my right cheek looks just like i have a baseball in it and my left is a little swollen. i would rather have them about the same so i look like i had something done. honestly i think i look like i was born deformed this way! but it will help me out so much when i'm all healed.
2. adam lost his job yesterday. it's a reallllly long story but either way it sucks. i know that God prepared us for this because our tax money came just 4 days before and i have been very adament on not spending it. i know something will come up that's better for him and for us but it's a little scary knowing how hard it currently is to get a job.
3. a good friend of adam's and mine commited suicide this morning. not a lot of details at this moment but i do know that everyone currently close to him is really confused on why. last time we saw him was a couple months back when he visited and he seemed happy like normal. i feel horrible for the family and close friends. i know that adam is taking it pretty hard since he never has really lost anyone close to him before and he feels like since they didn't talk much anymore he could have tried harder to be in his life and help him. i know how it feels when something bad happens and how it's easy to feel guilty. i just know that for some reason it happened and no one should feel gulit because of it. please pray for this family and close friends of theirs.

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