
The Compassionate Christ

This is from my devotional this morning...

"When he arrived, he saw a great crowd waiting. he felt sorry for them...so he began to teach them many things." Mark 6:34

When Jesus lands on the shore of Bethsaida, he keaves the sea of Galilee and steps into a sea of humanity. Keep in mind, he has crossed the sea to get away from the crowds. He needs time to grieve. He longs to relax with with his followers. He needs anything but another crowd of thousands to teach and heal.
but His love for people overcomes His need for rest....
Many of those He healed would never say thank you but he Healed them anyway. Most would be more concerned about being healthy than being holy, but He healed them anyway. Some of those who asked for bread today would cry for His blood a few months later, but He healed them anyway....He has compassion on them.

from in the eye of the storm;
grace for the moment

isn't it awesome how the Lord hand picks what we will be reading and makes it special for us?? Today I was really upset. All morning I have been debating about writing a very truthful but maybe a little too honest letter to a "friend" about some things that occured yesterday and past experiences with them. I just wanted to lay it all out, bring up things that would never have been brought up otherwise and in a very not nice way. I felt like I was tired of being the bad person and I wanted them to know what I think they are doing wrong in their walk, how they have wronged me, and what they should apologize for. Then God is like, "woah there Ashley. let the one without sin cast the first stone. and either way I want you to show compassion towards her even if that's means not writing the letter, cutting her out of your life since she has hurt you but maybe smile if you two cross paths and pray that she at least understands eventually". dang it. I don't want to be mean and hateful but I want to be right Lord. But that is me being stubborn and I am going to follow you in this and do as you would do. at least try.

1 comment:

  1. well youre definitely doing the right thing and im proud of you.
