
I'll follow you into the dark

Heres a glimpse of what has happened recently
+Abby is having another baby! She makes pretty kids and I can't wait to hold her. (I really believe it's a girl and I hope so!)
-It made me want another one but also made me realize we are poor and it's just not time yet.
-we are poor
+I got a new babysitting job! Just a call you when I need you thing but the reason it's so good is that the kid is really cute, well behaved (so far) and his name is Jonah! That makes the kid and the mom real cool in my book!
+I babysat an asian and the mom liked me.
-He didn't know how to do a sudoku.
+We got our taxes done!
-I can't wait to get them back! I mean really cause I gots bills to pay lol
+Rob showed us a really cool internet radio (pandora.com). I may be really late but I'm still excited!
-My sister and I got into another argument. Well mosr like a misunderstanding then a I'm not going to talk to you anymore. God will work all things out.
-I have to work a total of 33 hours this week (I have already done 22) for the family with the 5 boys. ugghh
+God is really working in me and my husband. Things at least for now are looking a little better. The weekends are really really hard on us. That's when Satan likes to get us down the most. Prayers and His word will get me through this weekend (and some good friends).

Adam and I were taking pics and I wanted to share a few...
Adam may have tried to take a pic of her butt and this is what it turned out to look like : )

Adam's breath is stinky

1 comment:

  1. my breath smells like the first pic... im going to have a lot of nieces and nephews arent i? dont worry hon, we will get through all the weekends in our life and God will flip it all around so that the weekends are the best parts of the week
