
My hubby got sucked in!

My husband's new blog:
Who knows how long that will last : )

The past two days have been pretty relaxing. Adam is off work until Friday which is great for us to spend some time together but not good for our money situation. Bittersweet.
We got digital cable today which we haven't had more than 13 stations since I have moved out of my parents. I never saw a need in it and I still don't but it will be nice to hear different cartoon songs rather than the same ones over and over. I just hate waking up with them in my head in the morning. After he hooked it up and I was checking out the stations that we have I realized how many shows I have been missing! Adam was on the computer and I spent naptime saying "ohh I forgot about that show!" or "I can't beileve I haven't seen this in like 2 years!". But then I couldn't find one thing to watch. ugh.
I have this babysitting job right and she asked to babysit on Friday for her. So usually I have the 2 year old from about 9 to 2 and the 6 year old from 9-11:15 or so. Well this Friday her two kids are off school so she wants me to watch all 3 from 9-3. This is how the money part of the conversation went. "so do you want me to give you a little bit more money since you will have an extra kid or is $25 still ok?" What the crap lady. Don't try and play me cause I'm young. That's all I have to say.
And here are a couple of pictures because adam and I have had enough free time in the last two days to take random pictures : )


  1. i just tagged you! http://adayinthelifeofthemrs.blogspot.com/2009/02/true-confessions.html

  2. Im definitely looking forward to watching some cool shows with you. We can finally watch all the blues clues we want!!! O and girl you bout got swindelled!

    I love you!

  3. did you ever get to read this?

