
True Confessions (not the taxi cab kind)

Abby tagged me

1. I think I may be addicted to coke. and I mean coca cola.

2. I secretly still have my old xanga site up even though everyone deleted theirs years a go except a few girls who still blog. xanga.com/pingypenguinhop

3. I always try and find the cheapest price on things like clothing, shoes and makeup. I mean not just sometimes, I always have been this way and I always get more for my money! Most girls I was friend's with were the exact opposite. I have never bought an item and bragged because it was $100 more than the one you bought. That's crazy.

4. I always want to know what's going on. I don't like gossiping but my weakness is giving in and listening to it (celebraity gossip, family stuff, I just like knowing juicy stuff!)

5. I will spend an extra $1.50 or so on a box of tissues so it will match what room it's going in. I can be a tool

6. I have slight OCD. I actually think most people have it at least a little but mine is with cleaning. I can ignore dishes or laundry but I will have made sure there is not a crumb on the floor or not even a tiny bit of dust anywhere. It changes daily what I become obsessed with cleaning.

7. I love when my baby will sit with me for just like 5 mins and watch a show before his attention is caught by something else shiny.

8. I really like the Lord of the Rings movies

9. Sometimes I take a piece of candy or two from the grocery and I don't put a quarter in the box

10. I thought that ham was a bird like animal for years. ya I know. I was a sheltered child.

11. On days that the Hubby is off I could sleep all day cause he is here to cuddle with me : )

I did more cause I thought of extras

I tag adam!


  1. LOL i'm telling the police that you steal candy:) if it makes you feel any better i always thought that steak was made from horses!

  2. you know i dont play tag!! but i guess ill do this one for my wifey. only cause i love you tho.

    I could stay in bed and cuddle with you for hours every day if our pesky son didnt get in the way and have to be so codependent lol
