
God is in your corner

I rebelled a lot when I was younger. I yelled a lot, went against my parent's rule and flat out disobeyed them. I remember feeling like I don't need rules, I don't need my parents and I don't need anyone telling me what I should or shouldn't do. I remember just throwing all cares out the window. Knowingly the entire time of God's love for me and the way He will never leave or abandon me, I still rebelled. My flesh came first then and I was selfish. I had a wake up call when I found myself broken down, scarred, and lost. God spoke to me and pretty much said "You are my daughter and I will always love you. I forgive your sins but you need to pick yourself up and follow my lead." God will always love me? God can forgive and really forget the things that I have done? Looking back on my journey to become a Christian I feel foolish and stubborn. I know better than to live my life the way I have been. I haven't been committing serious sins but I have fallen away from my walk with Him. I let the world get me down and I need to again die to my flesh and work for Him.
Our God is not fair-weathered and He will never walk away from you for one second even when you walk away from Him. Simple as this sounds reading this-waking up and realizing it, it means so much.

"The Lord himself will go before you. He will be with you; He will not leave or forget you."
Deuteronomy 31:8

1 comment:

  1. i know that God is working in you and i know that He has huge plans for you. you are an amazing woman and i cant wait to see the future God has in store for us.
