
Flame, Fishy, and Homer

Here are the next batch of bad baby names. these are still girl names.

Fancy--it was the name of a hooker in a reba song.
Flirt--"have you met my wife, Flirt?"
Fluffy--defintely doesn't make me think of a dog or anything.
Fudge--this name makes me think of the guy on candy land.
Fishy--that is def. a suitable name for some women.
Gay--you should name your kid lesbian and make the choice for them.
Grid--a giant woman
Heart--i would not want to be named after that band
Jael--resembling a moutain goat
Jaen--resembling an ostrich (i liked ^ and this name but the meanings? seriously?)
Lady--I already hate it when people in the grocery store or kids will say "hey Lady!" I'm so glad my parents didn't do this to me.


v smile, baby models and kittens

jonah likes the v smile box better than the game itself.
i played the v smile. there are some really creepy and almost sexual suggestive things on it. i guess it wouldn't be for a one and a half year old.

when we tell jonah no now he lays down and tries to be cute.
Baby model? I think so.

He can also climb on the table now and when we tell him to get down he just gives us kisses. This makes it very hard to be stern.

Our cat got out last night and we didn't know until this morning. She must have gotten out while our friend was leaving later last night. She probably is pregnant. she's in heat. awesome.


beathag, cricket, and carni

I am not pregnant.
But i will be someday.
Since I found out Ava was one of the most popular girl names now I must change.
Adam got out the baby name book yesterday and I came across the name moose. Since then I have been curious as to what other crazy names there might be. These are the crazy girl names I have found so far.
Baby--this would be hassel free i guess
Bar--it means a lawyer. no it doesn't.
Beathag--this is not attractive
Bera--resembling a bear
Berthhog--wealthy women...?
Caca--I would rather not write what this means in spanish
Carni--this is very appealing! i love carnis!
Celery--it means...celery!
Dike--it said it means goddess of justice. that's not what I heard.

Sorry If i offended anyone with making fun of these names. you should change yours if it is one of these. i'm just saying.


walks, potties, and scooter rides.

this is what Jonah thinks about going in the potty chair.

He is going to be 18 months in three days so I'm starting this journey now. we'll see how this goes. I mean he is already riding grandpa's scooter...he should poopy in the potty!

This is our trip to the reservoir with my neice and nephew

Lastly, this is what it looks like when jonah has time out. it's such a fun time for a baby!


thanks famous footwear

I do not like that my son has clubbed foot, but it is an excuse for me to buy him very cute high top converses. (obviously they are not this size : )

I also like deals like buy one get one half off when my son also needed comfy nike sandals.

I just love how I get more excited when my son gets new stuff than when I do. <3


Random thoughts, picture, etc.

this is what you get when you let a 4 year old take pictures.

And this is how your house looks with having three crazy kids all day, a kid/husband, and a migrane. awesome.

I'm currently babysitting anywhere from 2-6 kids 5 days a week plus i have my own. After 2 weeks and no job for the husband I decided to try and start working evenings and sundays leaving me with no days off if i get the kind of hours i want. this is not complaining. God has blessed me with the kids i have, the parents i work for, and the income i am receiving. plus since the hubby has been home he is a huge help. i dont need to worry about simply going to the bathroom, for now anyways. calling my old boss this evening and telling him i would like to come back was a little hard considering how i left. but hey at least i already know how to do the job and well, i already have had more time in there than one person, and i know every regular customer. sure not putting jonah to bed everyday will be a bummer and the hubby will have to make due without my dinners some nights but it will feel good to be making all the money! since i went back to work 5 weeks after having jonah and left 3 months later i know i can do it now. i left before because they made me close 3-4 nights a week so that meant getting off work around 10 when jonah was awake still adam had to be up for work at 3! this did not make him happy. but right now i'm hoping that they will need me a good amount. i tried to convince a friend that works there to call off a lot and she wasn't having it! oh well.

Random thoughts:

God has been doing really cool stuff for us lately. Adam and I read out of 3 devotions every night before bed and one night (in this joyce meyer devotion) it said to try and pray to God about even the little stuff. it sounds so simple but if you really think about it, God doesn't want you to be upset, sad, frustrated about things, even the little things. so ever since then i have tried to at least talk to Him about my feelings and ask Him to help out. so really cool things have been happening and I love it. : )

Since I became a Christian every once in a while when I am really worshipping and my eyes are closed, I get this sensation like I'm a little kid and God is holding me by my hands spinning me around. I'm not crazy! Promise! When I was little my grandpa used to always do that with me
and I always say God just knows how much I always loved that!

Random pictures : )


leggos and sidewalk chalk

I've been busy. really busy and not having too much to say other than crazy stories about all my babysitting. I'm currently working 5 days a week which is great for us and even better because 4 are at our house. here are some pics since I just had my babysitting kid leave and I want to take a nap. : )
this was my pirate boat castle i made. the whole time i was building, all the kids were just staring, waiting to destroy it. then they did.

a girl i babysit wrote what shew thought was her brother's name (Kennen) but she said it is spelled D 1 E which she wrote directly in front of my neighbors front door.


You anoint my head with oil. my cup overflows

Since Peter's death everything has seemed different. I've had weird dreams, distanced myself a little from family and some friends, and just broke out crying at random times. Questions keep coming up and instead of getting better, I've gotten worse. For some reason I haven't been able to let go. I've dealt with many deaths in my lifetime and none have affected me the way this has. I have also never dealt with a suicide.
Peter and I were pretty close for a while but it's been some time. The last time I saw Peter we had a great time. It was about 5 months a go. He spent the day with Adam and I. He met Jonah for the first time and this was when I decided I had high hopes for him as a father. He rocked Jonah telling him silly stories, asked questions about him, the birth, our life. Peter was an amazing person. He lived a beautiful life and touched so many people's hearts. In twenty years he accomplished so much and made a difference in so many lives. I hope to be at least half of the person that he was.
Honestly, I have had thoughts of bitterness here and there. Why would he put all these people through so much pain? How come he couldn't just express his sufferings? Then I realized that Peter is even after all this in a better place than anyone living on this earth. I know that he is with his maker. I know that God can kiss away his tears and wipe away all the pain and he doesn't even know the meaning of pain anymore. We can't even fathom the joy that he is experiencing. We can't for a second picture how amazing, how beautiful his dwelling place is. He will never hurt again. This should put me at peace for good about this, but it hasn't.
I've prayed and prayed that God will take this from me. I don't want to forget Pete, I just want closure. Do I feel like I need more answers? Sometimes. But when I have discovered some truth, I have prayed to forget. I haven't. I can't stop thinking about what happened before he passed. The sorrow he felt. The discouragement. The fact that Satan was right there in that room with him, telling him to do it. I am angry sometimes. Then I'm sad. Regretful. Awestruck. Why was it his time? He was the last person on the planet I would have ever expected this from. Peter, why?
I know that God is in control and he will take this away in his time. Maybe I'm supposed to feel this for now. Maybe I'm supposed to do something with this. Whatever it is, I'm letting God lead the way.

I'm so grateful I knew you. You touched so many people in your short, beautiful life. No one who has ever met you even for a minute will forget you. Thank you for your warm smile, your encouragement, the way you would never judge and stick up for anyone, your sense of humor. I will never forget some of the jokes you told me and the pictures you drew. Your music was wonderful. You had the most artistic, unique way of life and I looked up to you. Thank you for calling me ashley manatee and for always writing me stupid notes in spanish class. I know that adam and i wouldn't be who we are now if it weren't for you and your kind spirit. I will see you again Pete. I know it. And I will bring you a single beer on your 21st bday...promise. goodbye for now friend. i love you.

03.03.09 You will be missed


bad things come in 3's.

that's what my mom always told me. as i grew up, this made me terrified when one bad thing happened because i was scared about what other things would go wrong. praise God that He is in control and His will is done not this old wives tale. but i will say that in the last two days, 3 bad things happened.
1. i had my 4 wisdom teeth pulled yesterday morning. in the end it will be a good thing but for now...it sucks. yesterday i was much better than today which is the opposite of what they told me (that the 1st and 3rd day are the worst) i woke up this morning, after barely sleeping because after 3 am the pain was terrible and i kept bleeding on my pillow, to find out that my right cheek looks just like i have a baseball in it and my left is a little swollen. i would rather have them about the same so i look like i had something done. honestly i think i look like i was born deformed this way! but it will help me out so much when i'm all healed.
2. adam lost his job yesterday. it's a reallllly long story but either way it sucks. i know that God prepared us for this because our tax money came just 4 days before and i have been very adament on not spending it. i know something will come up that's better for him and for us but it's a little scary knowing how hard it currently is to get a job.
3. a good friend of adam's and mine commited suicide this morning. not a lot of details at this moment but i do know that everyone currently close to him is really confused on why. last time we saw him was a couple months back when he visited and he seemed happy like normal. i feel horrible for the family and close friends. i know that adam is taking it pretty hard since he never has really lost anyone close to him before and he feels like since they didn't talk much anymore he could have tried harder to be in his life and help him. i know how it feels when something bad happens and how it's easy to feel guilty. i just know that for some reason it happened and no one should feel gulit because of it. please pray for this family and close friends of theirs.