
The Compassionate Christ

This is from my devotional this morning...

"When he arrived, he saw a great crowd waiting. he felt sorry for them...so he began to teach them many things." Mark 6:34

When Jesus lands on the shore of Bethsaida, he keaves the sea of Galilee and steps into a sea of humanity. Keep in mind, he has crossed the sea to get away from the crowds. He needs time to grieve. He longs to relax with with his followers. He needs anything but another crowd of thousands to teach and heal.
but His love for people overcomes His need for rest....
Many of those He healed would never say thank you but he Healed them anyway. Most would be more concerned about being healthy than being holy, but He healed them anyway. Some of those who asked for bread today would cry for His blood a few months later, but He healed them anyway....He has compassion on them.

from in the eye of the storm;
grace for the moment

isn't it awesome how the Lord hand picks what we will be reading and makes it special for us?? Today I was really upset. All morning I have been debating about writing a very truthful but maybe a little too honest letter to a "friend" about some things that occured yesterday and past experiences with them. I just wanted to lay it all out, bring up things that would never have been brought up otherwise and in a very not nice way. I felt like I was tired of being the bad person and I wanted them to know what I think they are doing wrong in their walk, how they have wronged me, and what they should apologize for. Then God is like, "woah there Ashley. let the one without sin cast the first stone. and either way I want you to show compassion towards her even if that's means not writing the letter, cutting her out of your life since she has hurt you but maybe smile if you two cross paths and pray that she at least understands eventually". dang it. I don't want to be mean and hateful but I want to be right Lord. But that is me being stubborn and I am going to follow you in this and do as you would do. at least try.


This is a new day.

this is how I feel.
Lord, Heal me.


God is in your corner

I rebelled a lot when I was younger. I yelled a lot, went against my parent's rule and flat out disobeyed them. I remember feeling like I don't need rules, I don't need my parents and I don't need anyone telling me what I should or shouldn't do. I remember just throwing all cares out the window. Knowingly the entire time of God's love for me and the way He will never leave or abandon me, I still rebelled. My flesh came first then and I was selfish. I had a wake up call when I found myself broken down, scarred, and lost. God spoke to me and pretty much said "You are my daughter and I will always love you. I forgive your sins but you need to pick yourself up and follow my lead." God will always love me? God can forgive and really forget the things that I have done? Looking back on my journey to become a Christian I feel foolish and stubborn. I know better than to live my life the way I have been. I haven't been committing serious sins but I have fallen away from my walk with Him. I let the world get me down and I need to again die to my flesh and work for Him.
Our God is not fair-weathered and He will never walk away from you for one second even when you walk away from Him. Simple as this sounds reading this-waking up and realizing it, it means so much.

"The Lord himself will go before you. He will be with you; He will not leave or forget you."
Deuteronomy 31:8


I'll follow you into the dark

Heres a glimpse of what has happened recently
+Abby is having another baby! She makes pretty kids and I can't wait to hold her. (I really believe it's a girl and I hope so!)
-It made me want another one but also made me realize we are poor and it's just not time yet.
-we are poor
+I got a new babysitting job! Just a call you when I need you thing but the reason it's so good is that the kid is really cute, well behaved (so far) and his name is Jonah! That makes the kid and the mom real cool in my book!
+I babysat an asian and the mom liked me.
-He didn't know how to do a sudoku.
+We got our taxes done!
-I can't wait to get them back! I mean really cause I gots bills to pay lol
+Rob showed us a really cool internet radio (pandora.com). I may be really late but I'm still excited!
-My sister and I got into another argument. Well mosr like a misunderstanding then a I'm not going to talk to you anymore. God will work all things out.
-I have to work a total of 33 hours this week (I have already done 22) for the family with the 5 boys. ugghh
+God is really working in me and my husband. Things at least for now are looking a little better. The weekends are really really hard on us. That's when Satan likes to get us down the most. Prayers and His word will get me through this weekend (and some good friends).

Adam and I were taking pics and I wanted to share a few...
Adam may have tried to take a pic of her butt and this is what it turned out to look like : )

Adam's breath is stinky



Lord, I need a refresher. Things are hard and I feel like giving up. I'm discouraged, tired, and overall just sad. I know your this isn't the way that I should be feeling and the way I should be treated. I am your daughter. Your Princess. I want to be a better mother to my son. I want to be a better wife. I want to be so close to you that I can clearly hear your voice and see which direction you are pointing me in without all this stuff in the way. Take all this anxiety, stress, bitterness, self hate, and apathy away. Fill me with your love, compassion, forgivingness, and strength. Show me the right path Lord. I know I can handle this with your help.


blah i'm bored

Name 3 of each:
-Pet Peeves: Finger licking, procrastination, whiny children
-Close Friends: Amber, Kristy, Abby, and the hubby
-Favorite Movies: eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, Lord of the rings, closer? I can't think of a good third- I love too many
-Foods You Love: pizza, broccoli, girlled chicken
-Favorite Books: The Bible (ephesians) lovely bones, almost moon,
-TV Shows You Like: The Office, Scrubs, Steven Colbert Report
-Celebrities You Like: Jim Carrey, Katherine Hiegel, Kate Winslet
-Favorite Items of Clothing: jeans, t shirts, hoodies, and that one new shirt from old navy!

Tag adam, abby, and amber (you will make a blog)


High winds really suck

I really hate Ohio weather. I would love to be in Hawaii right now.


True Confessions (not the taxi cab kind)

Abby tagged me

1. I think I may be addicted to coke. and I mean coca cola.

2. I secretly still have my old xanga site up even though everyone deleted theirs years a go except a few girls who still blog. xanga.com/pingypenguinhop

3. I always try and find the cheapest price on things like clothing, shoes and makeup. I mean not just sometimes, I always have been this way and I always get more for my money! Most girls I was friend's with were the exact opposite. I have never bought an item and bragged because it was $100 more than the one you bought. That's crazy.

4. I always want to know what's going on. I don't like gossiping but my weakness is giving in and listening to it (celebraity gossip, family stuff, I just like knowing juicy stuff!)

5. I will spend an extra $1.50 or so on a box of tissues so it will match what room it's going in. I can be a tool

6. I have slight OCD. I actually think most people have it at least a little but mine is with cleaning. I can ignore dishes or laundry but I will have made sure there is not a crumb on the floor or not even a tiny bit of dust anywhere. It changes daily what I become obsessed with cleaning.

7. I love when my baby will sit with me for just like 5 mins and watch a show before his attention is caught by something else shiny.

8. I really like the Lord of the Rings movies

9. Sometimes I take a piece of candy or two from the grocery and I don't put a quarter in the box

10. I thought that ham was a bird like animal for years. ya I know. I was a sheltered child.

11. On days that the Hubby is off I could sleep all day cause he is here to cuddle with me : )

I did more cause I thought of extras

I tag adam!

My hubby got sucked in!

My husband's new blog:
Who knows how long that will last : )

The past two days have been pretty relaxing. Adam is off work until Friday which is great for us to spend some time together but not good for our money situation. Bittersweet.
We got digital cable today which we haven't had more than 13 stations since I have moved out of my parents. I never saw a need in it and I still don't but it will be nice to hear different cartoon songs rather than the same ones over and over. I just hate waking up with them in my head in the morning. After he hooked it up and I was checking out the stations that we have I realized how many shows I have been missing! Adam was on the computer and I spent naptime saying "ohh I forgot about that show!" or "I can't beileve I haven't seen this in like 2 years!". But then I couldn't find one thing to watch. ugh.
I have this babysitting job right and she asked to babysit on Friday for her. So usually I have the 2 year old from about 9 to 2 and the 6 year old from 9-11:15 or so. Well this Friday her two kids are off school so she wants me to watch all 3 from 9-3. This is how the money part of the conversation went. "so do you want me to give you a little bit more money since you will have an extra kid or is $25 still ok?" What the crap lady. Don't try and play me cause I'm young. That's all I have to say.
And here are a couple of pictures because adam and I have had enough free time in the last two days to take random pictures : )


Tables vs. Who Ha's

YesterdayI was on yahoo and I typed something in and happened to see that the search suggestion was something like "news post on man having sex with table". My curiosity got the best of me and I clicked on it. Apparently this man (who lived in Ohio, big surprise!) got 6 months in jail for having sex with a outdoor table. I'm not kidding so here is the actual post.

BELLEVUE, OH -- Police say a man was arrested after admitting to, and being caught on DVD having sex with his picnic table repeatedly.
Investigators say they received a tip that Art Price Jr., 40, of 146 Brinker St. in Bellevue was having sex with a picnic table while outside on the deck. The incidents occurred between January and March 2008.
Police say on March 13, the tipster dropped off three DVDs which showed Price in the act. On four occasions, Price is seen naked and masturbating in the rear room near the open doorway; he then comes out to the deck. He tilts the metal round picnic table on its side and lays up against it and has sexual intercourse with the table. Afterwards he cleans the table and the deck.
Police say the the incidents occurred close to Ridge Elementary School.
On March 20 Huron County prosecutors met with investigating officers and were shown the DVDs. Later that day, Price was brought in for questioning.
Police say that during questioning, Price admitted he had sex with the picnic table. He also confirmed the incidents caught on the DVD and admitted to having sex with the table inside his home.
On June 18, 2008, Price pleaded 'no contest' to disseminating harmful material to juveniles and public indecency. According the the Huron County Department of Corrections, he was sentenced to six months in jail.

And I found this video. Don't worry it's just a news story on it, not him in the act!

1. Was his wife not giving him any? I mean I know some women really do withhold it but how long does it take until the man feels the need to do it with a table?

2. Inside the house as well? Ok so I understand that doing it in different places can be exciting but is that the same with a table?

3. Why does this man have to live in Ohio? That's just giving us a worse reputation.

4. Didn't his wife or maybe children notice something strange? I think I would notice if the Hubby went out back naked sometimes and came back in looking happier. I think that I would notice that I wasn't satisfying him the same way anymore and start asking questions. Can a man who likes doing a table like a vjay jay?

5. This one came from my sis in law-
What if he got the table preggo and had in tables??? : )



Praise Jesus!!

I recently had a ct scan done to make sure that I did not have anything going on with my brain that could be causing my migranes. I got the results back today (after waiting 2 weeks-ugh) and they were all clear! This is really a huge blessing right now because it seems like so many things around me are going wrong, especially health wise. My sister is having all sorts of problems and I feel so terrible bad for her. My uncle is dying from cancer and my grandmother passed away just a few months a go. I'm not trying to sound depressing, I'm actually feeling very uplifted right now. I take things for granted way too often! Just a simple thing like finding out I don't have a tumor or something when I never really thought that I would makes me appreciate so much that I am alive and healthy! Don't get me wrong- I look forward to the day when I meet my Lord but I don't want that to come yet! I'm also looking forward to having more babies, grandkids, and a 50th anniversary with my hubby!
Anyway, life is good! Don't take a single day or anyone in it for granted! And here is my fat little man to make you smile :)


7 things

1. My sister-in-law abby is one of my very best friends ; )
2. My knee caps bend backwards when I'm standing
3. I graduated with over 300 kids I did not know (homeschooling)
4. I have two body piercings and 4 tattoos but I am a Chrsitian and pretty conservative
5. I am pretty easy going but I hate it when people lick their fingers around me
6. I cooked at a bowling alley for 4+ years but I am not white trash!
7. My husband and I dated for almost 2 years in high school, broke up for 2 and have been together again for 3!

I'm not tagging anyone on a count of not knowing anyone except Abby on here and she tagged me! : )

Yay for Blogging!

So I decided to jump back into the world of blogging due to an increase in downtime. I used to blog for years and recently I went back and read most of it. It caused several emotions- sadness because of my long lost freedom, half the amount of bills to pay, and lots of good friends I've lost contact with for some reason or another. Joy- I have grown up and changed for the better so much since then, I saw what my life was like pre husband and beautiful baby and it made me appreciate them so much, and it made me excited to see what God has in store for me next! But it also made me want to blog again...so here I am.
My life is actually pretty boring. I am a stay at home mom of a 16 month old. Things that do make my life a little interesting-
1. my son is hilarious
2. my husband is hilarious
3. my cat is evil and hilarious
4. my parents are completely awesome and crazy
5. I babysit 5 boys almost every saturday for 10 hours (plus I have my own son!) I usually have some pretty good stories
6. my husband's friends are like my sons/friends. it's weird but they are great and also make for a good story time.
7. I try to live life to the fullest and I really mean that. Most people just say it but I have done some pretty crazy and fun stuff just for the experience. I have calmed down a little bit though : )
So this is all for my first post cause I have a kid I'm watching and he keeps trying to eat one of my candles. : )